Poppiesears quality seedless candied crystal dried fruit preserved fruit candours 200g independent packing

price: US $6.35
from AliExpress
Grade: A
is_customized: Yes
Shelf Life: 270
Brand Name: BAIZAO
Packaging: Box
Item Type: Date
Weight (kg): 0.2
place of production: china mainland

Product Description

  • product details

  • Also known as jujube dates, dates, etc., are rich in protein, fat, sugar, carotene, vitamin B, C, P and phosphorus, calcium, iron, vitamin pills reputation, there is a strong suppression of love , anti-allergic effects. Jujube contains the cyclic adenosine monophosphate, can enhance muscle strength, fatigue, dilation of blood vessels, increasing myocardial contractility, improving myocardial nutrition, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases have a good effect. Dates can also Qi tonic, nourishing the nerves, spleen and stomach, spleen and stomach weakness, lack of blood, fatigue, weakness, insomnia patients good health care. While the acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, anemia embolism have a good effect. So jujube fruit is a good, and the price is not expensive, you can eat as a snack, wholesome.
    The following describes the efficacy and role of dates.

    The efficacy and role dates and consumption methods
    Effectiveness of dates
    First, spleen, blood, nerves

    After dinner dates plus dextrose in water can be taken: either with lily porridge: jujube soup to eat before going to sleep, can accelerate sleep. 1000 grams of fresh dates, washed to check the meat mash, add water and simmer gently, filtered juice, mixed with 500 g of honey, and mix thoroughly on fire take into jujube paste, bottling. 15 ml each time, twice daily, continuously served, can prevent insomnia.

    Second, Totale cream, body muscle abundance

    Jujube 10, black fungus 15 grams of crystal sugar. The dates rinse with water to soak for about two hours after the fish, picked off the pit. Black fungus bubble hair with water, pick clean. The jujube, black fungus into the soup bowl, add the appropriate amount of water, sugar, cage steam for about 1 hour and serve. Daily breakfast, after dinner, once the service can nourishing tonic. For blood deficiency pale, scared and flustered anemia consumption. No patients eat, can play a role in health care, nourishing strong. Often take, can Totale cream, body muscle abundance, and for the treatment of facial spots, Xing Shou. Note wet phlegm and stagnation should not eat.

    Third, menstruation, to constipation

    Angelica 15 grams, jujube 50 grams, 20 grams of sugar, 50 grams of rice. Angelica first with warm water and soak for a while, 200 g water, fry gravy 100 grams, to slag juice, and rice, red dates and sugar, add together the amount of water, boil into a porridge. Every morning and evening hot and taking 10 days for a course of treatment. This porridge has the blood to regulate menstruation, blood and pain, laxative function for lack of blood, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, anemia, headache, dizziness and constipation embolism.

    Fourth, stagnation, wrinkles, smooth skin white and tender

    Ginger 500 grams, 250 grams of red dates, salt, 100 grams, 150 grams of licorice, clove 25 grams, incense 25 grams. Total pounded rough at the end and even backup. Every 15 - 25 grams in the morning on behalf of tea decoction or flood damage, several times a day. This tea has a spleen, blood, stomach, nerves, stagnation effect, Jiufu face delicate, smooth skin, reduce wrinkles.

    Fifth, Liver eyesight

    Jujube 50 grams, 100 grams of rice, chrysanthemum 15 grams, add water into the pot, cook until thick, into the amount of brown sugar to taste food. This side has a spleen and blood, Liver eyesight; term consumption can face ruddy complexion, play a role in health and disease prevention.

    Six, lungs and spleen, so ruddy

    Jujube 50 grams, 100 grams of water, black fungus, sugar amount. The water fungus impurities washed, cut into small pieces. Jujube to go nuclear, together into the pot, add some water and cook until dates, fungus overripe, add sugar to taste and serve. According Materia Medica records, dates with the lungs and spleen, cough, make up the five internal organs, treatment and wasting the role of nourishing the body with black fungus, its tonic, nourishing, blood circulation, strengthen the role of raising capacity. Vegetables make ruddy, youthful glow, this soup, especially benefit women.

    Other effects of dates
    Allergy: jujube treatment of allergic purpura, eat three times a day to eat 10, the general three-day bear fruit. Recently, Japanese scientists found that dates contain a lot of substance called cyclic adenosine monophosphate, which has dilation of blood vessels, anti-allergic effects. It also has enhanced myocardial contractility, improving myocardial nutrition.

    Governance hypotension: jujube 20, hen, chicken cut into pieces, stir-fried fires, seasoned, adding eight mature jujube cook cook, eat several times.

    Liver: eat 20 dates can prevent hepatitis. For acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and higher patient serum transaminase activity, every night before bedtime peanut soup jujube (red dates, peanuts, sugar 30 grams, fry the peanuts into the red dates, rock sugar) a 30-day a course of treatment, can reduce serum alanine aminotransferase levels.

    Cancer: jujube rich triterpenoids and adenosine diphosphate. Most of triterpenoids inhibit cancer cell function. So few people eat dates cancer.

    Dates therapeutic side
    1, with red dates 20, 1 egg, brown sugar 30 grams, water stew, 1 day for postpartum recuperation with Qi tonic effect. Dates with deficiency, nourishing and soothing effect. Jujube high vitamin content of human blood vessels have a sound effect.

    2, jujube 10, black fungus 15 grams of crystal sugar. The dates rinse with water to soak for about two hours after the fish, picked off the pit. Black fungus bubble hair with water, pick clean. The jujube, black fungus into the soup bowl, add the appropriate amount of water, sugar, cage steam for about 1 hour and serve. Daily breakfast, after dinner, once the service can nourishing tonic. For blood deficiency pale, scared and flustered anemia consumption. No patients eat, can play a role in health care, nourishing strong. Often take, can Totale cream, body muscle abundance, and for the treatment of facial spots, Xing Shou. Note wet phlegm and stagnation should not eat.

    3, dates Spleen, nourishing, soothing effect. After dinner with red dates, add water to take dextrose; or with lily porridge; jujube soup to eat before going to sleep, can accelerate sleep. 1000 grams of fresh dates, washed to check the meat mash, add water and simmer gently, filtered juice, mixed with 500 g of honey, and mix thoroughly on fire take into jujube paste, bottling. 15 ml each time, twice daily, continuously served, can prevent insomnia.

    4, angelica 15 grams, jujube 50 grams, 20 grams of sugar, 50 grams of rice. Angelica first with warm water and soak for a while, 200 g water, fry gravy 100 grams, to slag juice, and rice, red dates and sugar, add together the amount of water, boil into a porridge. Every morning and evening hot and taking 10 days for a course of treatment. This porridge has the blood to regulate menstruation, blood and pain, laxative function for lack of blood, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, anemia, headache, dizziness and constipation embolism.

    5, Polygonum powder 25 grams, jujube 50 grams, sugar 15 grams, 50 grams of rice. First rice, red dates with wok, boil congee. When half-cooked porridge to join Polygonum powder, stir while cooking until thick porridge Serve, then add sugar to taste. This porridge has liver or kidney, essence and blood, constipation, detoxification, for liver and kidney deficiency, fine blood caused dizziness, insomnia, forgetfulness, nocturnal emissions Hua Jing embolism, age hypertension, hardening of the arteries Patients Jiufu can prolong life.

    6, jujube 30, 30 grams per reference, ebony 6, wolfberries 15 grams, add boiling water, add the appropriate amount of crystal sugar bowl 4 (also used brown sugar) after 20 minutes, fry until slightly thick, slightly cooler mounted upon the standby vessel . Usually every 2 tablespoons, 2 times daily. This cream can Buzhongyiqi, nourishing the blood, is more suitable for physically weak, weak stomach or nursed back to health after surgery.