goji berries berry energy boost viagra for men seeds 250g men women Health Whitening Beauty Food Medlar suplementos universal

price: US $17.53
from AliExpress
Place of Origin: CN;NIN
Grade: AAA
Brand Name: ningxia king of goji berries
Packaging: Vacuum Pack
Weight (kg): 0.25

Product Description

Uses: raw diet regimen, Chinese pharmaceutical raw materials, raw materials and health herbal tea, health wine raw materials, other raw materials and health;

Packaging: the same quality, random delivery

Usage: A direct Juefu to wash the wolfberry on the steamer steamed in the microwave or bake a few seconds (not a long time, so as not to scorch), daily morning and evening directly Juefu Second, porridge or steamed rice or steamed rice in the porridge is open until the water will wash the wolfberry into cooked edible, color, smell, taste, very unique. Third, the Chinese wolfberry soaked wash into the cup, soak in boiling water for 2-5 minutes to drink water after eating fruit. Fourth, Paojiu wolfberry can be soaked in wine or liquor, can be taken after seven days. Five, soup, stew soup, plus such amount of wolfberry stew, not only increasing the color, smell, taste, have played a role in Sibu. ps: adult daily intake should be less than 30 grams. Usage: 1 evening chewing tablets depicting 20-30, long-term consumption, beauty eyesight, longevity. 2 Take wolfberry 30-40 tablets, soak in tea, tea, red berries Pitt, color fragrant taste, fragrance alcohol, thirst, insist on drinking, liver and kidney. 3 boiled rice pudding into the amount of wolfberry, kidney and stomach, nourishing the liver and blood, the most suitable for the elderly. 4 stew, 10 minutes into the pan before wolfberry 60, frail body lean, eat the most appropriate. 5 wolfberry in cooking, can be used when the amount of soup, there's power Sibu.