NESPRESSO ORIGINAL COFFEE CAPSULES PODS 20 CAPSULES (2 sleeves) Intensity Roma Arpeggio Ristretto Dharkan Kazaar Vivalto Lungo

price: US $64.00
from AliExpress
Weight: 0.5
Shelf Life: 365days
Brand Name: Nespresso
Flavor: Fruit
Packaging: Box
Caffeine Type: Decaffeinated
Item Type: Instant Coffee

Product Description

NOTE:The capsules are only suitable for household NESPRESSO capsule coffee machine,

Be sure to check before you buy the machine are compatible.

Nespresso Coffee Capsules ORIGINAL 50 CAPSULES (5 sleeves)

A selection of 5 Nespresso Blends

High Intensity

10 capsules per sleeve

Choose from---Please remark the following options in the order's Message Bar

Roma - Intensity 8 - Full & Balanced with Sweet & Woody Notes

Arpeggio - Intensity 9-Intense & Creamy Enhanced by Cocoa Notes

Ristretto - Intensity - 10-Powerful & Contrasting with a Subtle Fruity Note

Dharkan - Intensity - 10-Long roasted, Intense, hints of bitter cocoa and cereals

Kazaar - Intensity - 10-Woody, intense, Spicy

Vivalto Lungo - 4-Complex & Balanced with Roasted & Subtle Floral Notes