Free shipping 1kg High quality product coffee original place of production robusta coffee beans 1000g

price: US $35.22
from AliExpress
Item Type: Coffee beans
Caffeine Type: Caffeinated
Packaging: Bulk
place of production: vietnam
Coffee beans raw and cooked: coffee beans
whether sacchariferous: sugar free

Product Description

  • product details

vietnam coffee with its unique taste proper price quickly to provide coffee lovers , has become global second coffee country .

The more south geographic position beneficial to coffee planting , vietnam south of tropical climate , humid , suitable for planting robusta coffee , northern good for grow arabica coffee . vietnam coffee with the following features : ( 1 ) due no effective method processing deciduous , therefore , in 20 80 century early 1980s , on the choice of mesograin coffee as . type experiment ( 2 ) preponderance in technology for referenced basis , sure coffee planting method , ie in southern vietnam damp heat climate condition , high density planting , irrigation , hyperparakeratotic fertilization , plant shade-giving tree for maximum output of , full mesograin exerting of the coffee production capacity , in vietnam daklak , gia lai , kontum , dong nai much coffee plantation unit yield 3 ~ 4 reach tons / hectares , some plantation to 8 reachable yield ~ 9 tons / hektare ( 3 ) aspects : processing technology mainly make use of vietnam central highlands of the dry exsiccation processing solar coffee .

the more the south of coffee planting area of about 50 hectares , 10% - 15% business all countries genus and farm , 85% - 90% each , farmers and . slackened manorial small , usually for 2 - 5 hectares , large 30 about the manor - 50 hectares , but . vietnam coffee in the more the various agricultural products second rice , araoz 2 . the more about 30 farmer household engaged in coffee planting , labor force 60 of up to people , in 3 month labor midterm ofreceipt of the force of the nongmingong of reachable 70 to 80 people , therefore coffee industry absorption more the national workforce 1.83% , agricultural workforce 2.93% .

vietnam coffee corporation ( vinacafe ) for 100% state owned enterprise , jurisdiction 70 companies , farms . every year vietnamese coffee output 's 20 - 25% by vinacafe .

according to the more coffee association busihess statistics , 2000 - 2001 annual ( self 2000 years 10 zhongsshan 2001 9 year month ) the more the national 149 units a total of coffee 874676 ton , among the biggest water enterprise for olam company ( wholly foreign owned enterprises , 21326 ton ) , dakman company ( joint venture , 18076 ton ) and vinafimex company ( local business , 13719 ton ) .

vietnam coffee quality standard commission by the more coffee association supervisionthe national coffee the more the drafting standard , warp the more the standard quality monitoring science technology administration of report to the department of environment ( uals now technology ministry ) grammatology .

contact phone : 18967298212

qq : 885304096

contact person : mr liu